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Work with Messages Securities Industry Securities Reporting and Reconciliation

SecuritiesTransactionPostingReport with ISO 20022

Be able to read and interpret the SecuritiesTransactionPostingReport correctly.
Work with Messages Alliance Lite2

Sending Messages Manually in Alliance Lite2

Explore the message life cycle for a manually created message in Alliance Lite2.Learning objectives:Differentiate the steps...
Work with Messages Securities Industry Securities Settlement

Settlement Allegements with ISO 15022 (MT 578)

Be able to correctly use the Settlement Allegement notification in ISO 15022 and to understand the...
Work with Messages Securities Industry

Settlement Allegements with ISO 20022 (sese. 028, sese. 029, semt. 020)

Learn how to correctly use the settlement allegement notification in ISO 20022. Understand the allegement notification...
Work with Messages Securities Industry Securities Settlement

Settlement Instructions, Status and Confirmation with ISO 20022 (sese.023, sese.024, sese.025)

Learn how to send a securities settlement instruction correctly respecting the ISO standard and market practice...
Work with Messages Messaging and Standards


Review the value of standardisation for the financial markets and lays out the various standards made...
Work with Messages Messaging and Standards

Standards ISO 15022

Be able to understand what ISO15022 is and why we use it, learn the most important...
Work with Messages Securities Industry Securities Reporting and Reconciliation

Statement of Holdings report with ISO 15022

Be able to read and interpret the Statement of Holdings correctly and understand the different versions...
Work with Messages Securities Industry Securities Reporting and Reconciliation

Statement of Pending Transactions report with ISO 15022 (incl. MT 537)

Understand its usage, structure and versions, be able to read and interpret the Statement of Pending...