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Managing MT and MX releases

We continually work to keep our existing standards up to date, in order to bring standards in line with business changes and correct technical issues. From time to time, we also publish newly developed standards. These changes can affect your business, from business flows to back office applications. 

Schedule for Standards MT Release 2024

This timeline gives a full development and implementation schedule for the FIN standards for 2024.

17 November 2023

High-Level Information on Standards MT Release 2024

Summary of approved change requests received for SR 2024


For resource and budget allocation purposes only –not to be used for implementation.

15 December 2023


Standards MT Release Guide 2024 (public)
Message Format Validation Rules 2024 (login required)
Describes the changes to Standards messages effective as of 16 November 2024


Find advance information for Standards MT Release 2024 in MyStandards

23 February 2024


Updates to Standards MT Release Guide 2024 (public)
Updates to documents published on 15 December 2023.


These updates are also implemented in MyStandards.


3 May 2024

Vendor Test System

19 July 2024

Standards User Handbook for Standards MT Release 2024 published online (public).
Updates to Message Format Validation Rules 2024 published online (login required).

Standards MT Release 2024 - UHB Summary of Changes


20 July 2024

Test & Training System

16 November 2024
Standards Release 2024 Live

Schedule for Standards MT Release 2025

This timeline gives a full development and implementation schedule for the FIN standards for 2025.

19 July 2024

High-Level Information on Standards MT Release 2025

Summary of change requests received for SR 2025


For resource and budget allocation purposes only –not to be used for implementation.

22 November 2024

Updated High-Level Information on Standards MT Release 2025

Summary of approved change requests received for SR 2025


For resource and budget allocation purposes only –not to be used for implementation.

13 December 2024

Standards MT Release Guide 2025 (public)
Message Format Validation Rules 2025 (login required)
Describes the changes to Standards messages effective as of 22 November 2025


Find advance information for Standards MT Release 2025 in MyStandards

21 February 2025

Updates to Standards MT Release Guide 2025 (public)
Updates to documents published on 13 December 2024.


These updates are also implemented in MyStandards.

2 May 2025

Vendor Test System

18 July 2025

Standards User Handbook for Standards MT Release 2025 published online.
If necessary, Updates to Message Format Validation Rules 2025 also published.

Standards MT Release 2025 - UHB Summary of Changes

19 July 2025

Test & Training System

22 November 2025
Standards Release 2025 Live

Schedule for FINplus & Funds Standards Release 2024

This timeline gives standards information linked to Funds and FINplus, the Swift core, store-and-forward, message-processing services. It will provide financial institutions with the necessary environment to exchange the richer ISO 20022 format messages as MX message on SwiftNet. This includes currently a selection of ISO 20022 base message definitions for Funds, FINplus for Securities, CBPR+ usage guidelines, etc. with message details available in MyStandards.

17 November 2023

High-Level Information on FINplus Standards Release 2024
Summary of received change requests on messages already implemented on FINplus (these change requests are not yet approved) or advance information on new messages planned for implementation in FINplus.


High-Level Information on Funds Standards Release 2024
Summary of received change requests on messages already implemented on Funds (these change requests are not yet approved) or advance information on new messages planned for implementation in Funds.


For resource and budget allocation purposes only –not to be used for implementation.

15 December 2023

The CBPR+ Release November 2024 Usage guidelines

The CBPR+ UHB SR2024 first edition provides more information on the usage of these messages

The CBPR+ Advance Release November 2025 Usage guidelines

FINplus Standards Advance Information

Summary of approved change requests on messages already implemented on FINplus or advance information on new messages planned for implementation in FINplus.

March 2024

FINplus standards information publication

ISO 20022/usage guidelines Message schemas and Message Definition Reports

Schemas and full documentation of new versions or new messages to be implemented in November 2024 in FINplus

31 March 2024

The CBPR+ UHB SR2024 final edition

April 2024

Information on Funds Service message validation update and Standards Release 2024 (UPDATED)

Summary of the changes to the Funds Service that are linked to the 2024 Standards Release and the changes to the central Message Validation rules (referred to as MVal).

19 April 2024
Funds Vendor Test System
27-28 April 2024
Funds Pilot System
3 May 2024

FINplus Vendor Test System

20 July 2024

FINplus Pilot System

16 November 2024
Standards MX Release 2024 Live

Schedule for FINplus & Funds Standards Release 2025

This timeline gives standards information linked to Funds and FINplus, the Swift core, store-and-forward, message-processing services. It will provide financial institutions with the necessary environment to exchange the richer ISO 20022 format messages as MX message on SwiftNet. This includes currently a selection of ISO 20022 base message definitions for Funds, FINplus for Securities, CBPR+ usage guidelines, etc. with message details available in MyStandards.

19 July 2024

High-Level Information on FINplus Standards Release 2025
Summary of received change requests on messages already implemented on FINplus (these change requests are not yet approved) or advance information on new messages planned for implementation in FINplus.


High-Level Information on Funds Standards Release 2025
Summary of received change requests on messages already implemented on Funds (these change requests are not yet approved) or advance information on new messages planned for implementation in Funds.


For resource and budget allocation purposes only –not to be used for implementation.

22 November 2024

Updated High-Level Information on FINplus Standards Release 2025

Summary of approved change requests on messages already implemented on FINplus or advance information on new messages planned for implementation in FINplus.


Updated High-Level Information on Funds Standards Release 2025

Summary of approved change requests on messages already implemented on Funds or advance information on new messages planned for implementation in Funds.


For resource and budget allocation purposes only –not to be used for implementation.

13 December 2024

The CBPR+ Release November 2025 Usage guidelines

The CBPR+ UHB SR2025 first edition provides more information on the usage of these messages

FINplus Standards Advance Information

Summary of approved change requests on messages already implemented on FINplus or advance information on new messages planned for implementation in FINplus.

March 2025

FINplus standards information publication

ISO 20022/usage guidelines Message schemas and Message Definition Reports

Schemas and full documentation of new versions or new messages to be implemented in November 2025 in FINplus

The CBPR+ UHB SR2025 final edition

2 May 2025

Vendor Test System

19 July 2025
Pilot system
22 November 2025
Standards MX Release 2025 Live

