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Join the leaders in payments innovation

Swift GPI brings together banks worldwide who want to offer an enhanced cross-border payments experience to their corporate customers.

For participating banks, Swift GPI helps you to meet the expectations of your corporate customers, attract new business and grow volumes by delivering distinctive, responsive services - for example, by providing these market-leading services to third parties. 

By being part of Swift GPI, you’ll improve the quality of your correspondent relationships and network, helping to reduce risks and management costs and improve compliance. Become a leader in payments innovation, helping to shape the future and meet the challenges the industry faces today.

Membership is open to any supervised financial institution (Swift Group 1 category) that agrees to comply with its business rules.

Current members of Swift GPI

To date, more than 150 banks have joined the service, with the capability to channel payments into over 220+ countries – representing 78% of Swift’s total cross-border payments in volume.

Swift GPI members