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Innovation series: Artificial Intelligence

Innovation series: Artificial Intelligence

2 August 2018 | 1 min read

What is the AI focus for the financial industry?

Innovation series: Artificial Intelligence
5 min view

Innovation series: Artifical Intelligence

Fintech and other new entrants have often found it difficult to break into the financial services industry – but not anymore. Disruption is coming from fast-moving companies, focused on a particular innovative technology or process in everything from mobile payments to insurance. Will Fintech drive the new business model?

Once the domain of science fiction,  artificial intelligence technology has now become part of everyday life, from virtual assisants to driverless cars.

Now AI is increasingly being touted as the next big thing in financial services. Will we see more technology experts innovating in the financial space? Will banks be able to create experiences that actually deliver on the AI promise?

Innovation series: Artifical Intelligence

Robotics can really be the key; to remove those manual processes, to take this type of routine translation of data from legacy systems without us needing to rebuild them – that’s a key step forward, a leap forward.

James Freis, Chief Compliance Officer, Deutsche Boerse
Innovation series: Artifical Intelligence

Coming soon: cyber innovation in financial services
