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Alliance Gateway Event Log: Monitor

Explore the Alliance Gateway event log and the Alerts page for monitoring purposes.Disclaimer: This module is Release 7.4 compliant (some images in this module use earlier releases of the software. Since release 7.3 File Transfer is removed, and therefore the following menus are removed: The File Transfer and Queues menus and the File Transfer configuration node).

Alliance Web Platform SE: Introduction to the GUI Menus

Discover each of the application menus in the Administration GUI. Software version: Alliance Web Platform 7.4Learning objectives:Identify the correct menu for each of the following tasks:Obtain the URL for a GUICreate a custom GUICheck a GUI package is installedCollect and submit to Swift support logs and configurationUpdate how an event is logged Create a user

Swift strengthens its support to Filipino corporates looking to optimise finance operations

Swift helps Filipino corporates optimise and improve financial operations through standardisation and market practices for domestic financial transactions

Tony Wicks, Head of Financial Crime Compliance, speaks to Euromoney

How Swift’s Sanctions Screening and gpi are improving cross-border payments

Channel Certificate Management in Alliance Lite2

Explore the channel certificates in Alliance Lite2 and the steps that you must follow to set up AutoClient with a Channel certificate.About channel certificates (00:03)Steps to create a channel certificate (00:03)Create a Distinguished Name (00:15)Download a channel certificate (00:10)Learning objectives:Define what is a channel certificateName the steps to create a channel certificate

How to configure external and internal CREST GUI (CRnet) connections

This video is part of a series for CREST.It shows how to configure the external and internal GUI (CRnet) connections.Prerequisites:In order to make any changes within the CRnet ensure the following:The CRnet component must be stopped before changing the CRnet configuration options.The operator profile must have the options to make changes within the CRNet component.

Swift Innotribe announces finalists for the Startup Challenge Grand Finale at Sibos Boston

World banking experts will meet the most promising fintech companies selected during the 2014 Regional Showcases.

Five things to know about Swift’s Corporate-to-Bank initiative in ASEAN

What you need to know about the Swift Corporate-to-Bank initiative, which has received strong support in the Philippines and Indonesia

In Conversation with Wolfsberg

Pressing priorities and trends

Digital ecosystems in Trade Finance: Seeing beyond the technology

Global trade continues to recover following the dip caused by the financial crisis. Of course, trade volumes are currently threatened by a slowing global economy, trade tensions between the US and China, and the real possibility of a no-deal Brexit. But the long-term outlook remains positive. Supply chains are continuing to become more international, drawing on many parties from around the world.