Modify your subscription to Swift GPI for Corporates services (for Financial Institutions only)
This page allows you to modify the configuration of your gpi Pay and Trace Closed User Group in Test and Live.
In a near future, it is also through this page your will be able to update the configuration of your gpi Inbound Tracking Closed User Group in Test and Live.
Place orders
Swift GPI for Corporates services (for Financial Institutions only)
gpi Pay and Trace
1. In order to add or remove an institution or a product option for the gpi Pay and Trace capability in Test, please submit the “Change the gpi Pay and Trace subscription – Test”
2. In order to add or remove an institution or a product option for the gpi Pay and Trace capability in Live, please submit the “Change the gpi Pay and Trace subscription – Live”
gpi Inbound Tracking
3. In order to add or remove an institution or a product option for the gpi Inbound Tracking capability in Test, please submit the “Change the gpi Inbound Tracking subscription – Test
4. In order to add or remove an institution or a product option for the gpi Inbound Tracking capability in Live, please submit the “Change the gpi Inbound Tracking subscription – Live
Please note that the above eforms should be placed at the level of your parent destination. In order to submit the above change eforms, your parent destination should first subscribe to the Swift GPI for corporates service and have ordered the appropriate gpi for corporates capability/ies.