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Our core service for exchanging MT format financial messages

FIN enables financial institutions to exchange individual structured (MT and ISO 15022 message formats) financial messages securely and reliably. It is based on a distributed processing architecture with full, built-in redundancy to ensure maximum availability.


Reach FIs, corporate customers and market infrastructures
Reach FIs, corporate customers and market infrastructures
More than 11,000 FIN users exchange 31.3+ million messages a day, supporting the financial community across more than 200 countries.
Advanced delivery options
Advanced delivery options
With FIN, you’re informed about message status and delivery. Messages can also be copied to third parties for information or processing.
FIN validates messages centrally to ensure compliance with standards
FIN validates messages centrally to ensure compliance with standards
FIN supports central message validation of a wide range of message types used across the financial community enabling payments, securities, treasury and trade.

Learn more about FIN

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