Securities Settlement and Reconciliation -- ISO 15022 Messages
Explore in detail the features and the benefits of ISO 15022 standards and get up to date with the latest standards developments. The course covers various case studies and hands-on exercises to illustrate the creation and processing of Swift messages, and setting up reports using the Message Management interface.
Course content:
- Principles of the ISO 15022 standards, namely the message building blocks and the generic field concept
- Overview of the most commonly used codes and qualifiers
- How to read the User Handbook
- Message flows and identification of the settlement chain
- Settlement messages, covering instructions to receive and deliver and the related confirmations (i.e. MT 540 to MT 547), statement messages (MT 535, MT 536, MT 537), the settlement alledgement message (i.e. MT 578) and the status message (MT548) providing a matching and an instruction processing status
- Several examples of error messages (NAK) to learn how to identify and amend the error in a message
- Messages are illustrated in the context of realistic business scenarios such as plain vanilla transactions, turnarounds, own-account transfers and 'bridge' transactions, and reflect the local market practice requirements