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Subscribe to CLSNet service

CLSNet is a standardized, automated payment netting service for FX trades that are settling outside the CLS settlement service. Participants will be able to submit FX instructions for spot, tom/next day, forwards, non-deliverable forwards (NDFs), swaps and same-day trades for more than 140 currencies. They will be able submit FX instructions through traditional Swift channels or distributed ledger technology (DLT). It is open to buy-side and sell-side institutions across the FX market, including banks, broker dealers, asset managers, hedge funds and corporations.

Place orders

Ordering checklist

Getting Started Guide

  • The CLSNet over Swift - Getting Started Guide (login required) describes the process for subscribing and configuring access to the CLSNet services.  It is recommended that this guide is read and referred to whilst placing the Swift e-orders listed below.

Swift service CUG

  • CLSNet Participants can request enrolment into the Swift service CUG by submitting the following orders for the relevant CLS service.

Service rules

  • CLSNet Participants need to be aware of the appropriate rules applicable to each service (described in this document) and ensure that they comply with them when completing the Swift order forms. The following may also be required for review and approval by CLS before certain orders can be approved:
    • Appropriate Static Data forms

Please contact your CLS Sales representative ( prior to submitting a Swift e-order form for approval as the following may also be required for review and approval by CLS before certain orders can be approved. 

Place orders

Do you have any questions?

Contact us to find how we can help you.
