Other Terms and Conditions
Table of contents
API contractual documentation
If you collaborate to an API Design Collaboration Group, your participation is governed by the API Collaboration Terms
If you use an API under open licence, your access and use of the API is governed by the API Open Licence
Customer Consultation Groups – Participation Terms and Conditions
The present Terms and Conditions govern the participation of customers to Customer consultation groups organised by Swift.
Sanctions Screening Distribution for Service Bureau
End-Users Terms and Conditions
This document sets out the applicable terms and conditions applicable to a Swift user that subscribes to Swift’s Sanctions Screening Service through the intermediation of a Service Bureau.
The SwiftRef Licence Terms and Conditions for distribution of SwiftRef Data govern the licensing of SwiftRef Data to a Licensee who commercialises an application or service to its customers and wishes to have permission from Swift either to make data from a SwiftRef product available to its customers or to host the Data from a SwiftRef product on its systems in order to provide services to its customers.
The SEPA IBAN-only Directory terms and conditions-Standard User License govern the access to the SEPA IBAN Only Directory, as well as the download and use of the SEPAIO data.
The SEPA IBAN-only Directory License Agreement governs the License granted to a Licensee by Payments UK which allows the Licensee either to make data from the SEPAIO Directory available to its customers as part of its application or service or to host it on its systems in order to provide services to its customers.
VPN Products Terms and Conditions
The VPN Box Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that apply to the supply and maintenance of the VPN Box equipment.
3SKey - Terms and Conditions
The 3SKey Service Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that apply to the provision and use of the 3SKey service.
The 3SKey Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that apply to the supply, use and, as the case may be, distribution of the 3SKey Tokens.
The 3SKey Developer Toolkit Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that apply to the provision and use of the 3SKey Developer Toolkit.
The 3SKey Privacy Policy sets out the roles and responsibilities of Swift and its customers with regard to the processing of personal data in the context of the 3SKey Solution.
GPI - Terms and Conditions
The Swift GPI Terms and Conditions constitute the main set of the terms and conditions for the provision and the use of the gpi Services and Products. They apply each time the electronic form executed by the gpi Customer refers to the Swift GPI Terms and Conditions.
HSM - Terms and Conditions
The HSM Box Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that apply to the supply and maintenance of the HSM Box equipment.
The HSM Tokens and Cards Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that apply to the supply and maintenance of HSM Token, Card and Reader equipment.
Developers Toolkit Licence Agreement
The Developers Toolkit Licence Agreement set out the terms and conditions that apply to the provision and use of the Developer Toolkits.
Swift Smart and Certification Terms and Conditions
Swift Training services are governed by one of the six sets of terms and conditions, depending on the chosen service.
Click here to read the Swift Smart Service Description
Alliance Connect Network Availability Monitoring Services – Terms of Use & Disclaimer
The Alliance Connect Network Availability Monitoring Service Terms of Use and Disclaimer governs the provision and use of the Alliance Connect Network Availability Monitoring Service.
Customer Security Programme Terms and Conditions
The Customer Security Programme Terms and Conditions consitue the set of Swift terms and conditions for the CSP initiatives. This document is for customers that need information about the contractual framework for the CSP initiatives.
Providers Directory Terms of Use
The Cyber Security Service Providers Directory Terms of Use and the CSP Assessment Providers Directory Terms of Use govern the use of the Cyber Security Service Providers Directory and the CSP Assessment Providers Directory
Sibos 2023 POAP NFT Terms of Use
Testing Terms and Conditions
Swift's Solution for CREST Terms and Conditions