CGI-MP: simplifying corporate-to-bank implementations
The Common Global Implementation (CGI) initiative aims to simplify various payment related corporate-to-bank implementations by promoting the wider acceptance of ISO 20022 XML.
The initiative provides a forum for banks, bank associations, corporates, corporate associations, vendors and market infrastructures.
The CGI group works to achieve its goals through consultation, collaboration and agreement on common implementation templates for various ISO 20022 financial messages. By publishing and promoting these messages, the group aims to attain their widespread recognition and adoption.
It focuses on the general message structure and successful creation of individual transactions that can be executed by participating banks.
A corporate can use the same message structure for all their payments with all of their transaction banks reaching any payment system across the globe.
CGI-MP digitisation: CGI-MP Working Groups published ISO 20022 best practice guidelines, use cases and user handbook on MyStandards. Please access to the CGI-MP portal of MyStandards.
Work Groups
From bank-to-customer reporting to electronic bank account management (eBAM), the CGI Work Groups focus on a number of different ISO 20022 message types.
Find out who is involved in the CGI-MP initiative, from the management team to contributing members and observers.
Swift support
We are supporting the CGI initiative through active participation in the ongoing work programme and the publication of CGI documents.