Swift Security Bootcamp 2.0
How confident are you that the infrastructure your institution uses to connect to Swift is as secure as possible?
The Security Bootcamp 2.0 presents the best practices for security and governance, as well as a review of the security-related roles and responsibilities, covering the Customer Security Programme (CSP) best practices and how the teams should work together to manage and administer the infrastructure to keep it as secure as possible.
For example, operational teams are busy with day-to-day activities: are they really clear about what actions to take, how to pro-actively identify risks and who is responsible for those actions, if an issue does arise with the infrastructure? Also what are the different stakeholders involved in the organisation (like Auditors, Risk managers, Operational teams, CISOs…).
The goal of the bootcamp is not to make the participants experts on the tools they use, but to raise awareness around security best practices and governance. You will be familiarised with the Customer Security Control Framework and best practices on Risk management approach to Cyber Threats.
Experienced users who participated in previous bootcamps all agreed that they found it useful and necessary to be reminded about the best practices for security and CSP.
Our 3-day bootcamps are interactive workshops that enable a thorough exploration of specific subjects. These diverse learning experiences, using a multi-experts approach, may include:
- Theoretical sessions to integrate fundamental concepts
- Interactive sessions with best practice advice
- Round table and team activity to promote networking and cross-institution collaboration
- Session led by Security Intelligence expert
The bootcamp sheds light on security-related roles and responsibilities. This helps you to ask the right questions internally to ensure an effective approach to security. It also provides the knowledge needed to manage all your security-related activities in line with best practice.
Security Bootcamp 2.0 sessions are pre-scheduled by Swift and held in financial centres worldwide. Registration is open to any participant with the necessary prerequisite knowledge.