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Compliance Analytics. Powerful data, world-class analytics

Our Compliance Analytics solutions can help you leverage your Swift message data to support financial crime compliance.

As the international banking community unites its efforts against money laundering, terrorist financing and cyber fraud, reactive approaches to financial crime fall short and can lead to financial loss and reputational damage. Advanced data analysis is critical, but getting the right data can be difficult.

Our Compliance Analytics solutions help you to comply with global regulatory standards by providing a comprehensive dataset of your Swift message traffic. We help you identify, monitor, analyse and address compliance and fraud risk, keeping your business on the right track.

Our solutions


Compliance Analytics

Pinpoint financial crime risks across your operations and correspondents with our global, group-level payments analysis


Correspondent Monitoring

Group-level monitoring of correspondent risks supports your AML and CFT compliance


Payments Data Quality

Payments Data Quality checks the quality of originator and beneficiary data in your institution’s payments messages...

Download: How to leverage payment data and analytics to mitigate compliance risk

5 key steps compliance professionals need to take to better harness payment data for compliance risk and achieve greater efficiencies.

About Swift’s Compliance Analytics, Fraud and Anti-Money Laundering services

As regulatory pressure grows in response to ever more sophisticated money laundering techniques, existing AML tools no longer address the needs of correspondent banks.

Data analysis is vital in the fight against evolving cyber threats. As data volumes increase exponentially, however, datasets often lack standardisation and are spread across multiple IT systems and subsidiaries.

By providing a truly global view of your message traffic, Compliance Analytics helps you identify unusual patterns or trends and hidden relationships, supporting KYC, AML and Sanctions compliance.

Compliance Analytics helps us to comply with specific regulatory requirements, particularly in the areas of KYC and sanctions. It also gives us more insight into the transactions we are facilitating.

Natalia Koveshnikova,  AML & KYC Officer, Rabobank