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Access a resource of external providers to support you

Directory of Swift CSP Certified Assessors

The directory of Swift CSP certified Assessors lists assessment providers in your country. These companies have met specific eligibility criteria and employ a minimum of 2 Assessors who have successfully completed the Swift CSP Assessor certification by passing an exam. Those Assessors can perform your independent external assessment (community or mandated) as described in the Independent Assessment Framework. They can help you to assess your level of compliance toward the implementation of the CSP mandatory and advisory controls that apply to your connectivity configuration with Swift.

Consult directory

Directory of cyber security service providers

The directory of cyber security service providers lists cyber-security providers operating in your country that can assist you in addressing cyber security within your own organisation to ensure you meet the mandatory controls.

Consult directory

As a company providing such services, should you wish to be part of the directory, please follow these steps:

It is important to note that Swift has not checked or validated the individual qualifications of the providers listed in the CSSP directory; nor has Swift verified that providers listed in the CSSP directory have a history of Swift expertise. You are responsible for completing your own due diligence when selecting and contracting providers or any other entity offering such services.

Please note that you can opt to contract with other providers that are not featured in the directories above.

Should you have any questions, please contact us.
