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CLS is the world’s leading provider of FX settlement services.

Established in 2002 as a payment-versus-payment (PvP) settlement system to reduce the principal risk arising from settling FX transactions, CLS’s global settlement infrastructure reduces systemic risk and provides standardization for participants in many of the world’s most actively traded currencies.

CLS’s complementary products are designed to enable clients to manage risk most effectively across the full FX lifecycle – whether through more efficient processing tools or market intelligence derived from the largest single source of FX executed data available to the market.

CLS’s PvP settlement service, CLSSettlement, settles on average over $6 trillion per day in 18 currencies for 70 settlement members and over 30,000 third-party participants. 

Swift offers a CLS-TPS copy service to CLS settlement members for them to receive copies of MT 300s sent by their clients for settlement in CLSSettlement.

MI Channel

MI Channel optimises the exchange of very large amounts of data between market infrastructure communities in the domestic and international payments, securities and FX markets.

FIN messaging

The Swift FIN network enables institutions to send centrally validated, secure and reliable messages to their counterparty, that also provides many advanced delivery options such as automatic copying to one or more destinations.


Swift Web Access is a secure, with Swift managed user access, and a reliable channel enabling access to multiple web applications from a single window.

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