Service Bureau Directory
All Service Bureaux that have successfully finalised the certification process are published in the Service Bureau Directory. All Service Bureaux have been requested to comply with the previous year SIP release in January and with the current year SIP release by end of December.
A Service Bureau that demonstrates compliance with the requirements is published in the Service Bureau Directory with the certified status and the indication of the Shared Infrastructure Programme release [year] against which compliance was established.
A new service bureau is listed on the Service Bureau Directory with the In assessment status with the following conditions:
- It is in compliance with the business eligibility criteria
- It has successfully passed the Due Diligence process
- The infrastructure is ready to onboard live customers
- It has submitted a Shared Infrastructure Programme self-attestation that shows full compliance with the Shared Infrastructure Programme Security Operational Framework
A new service bureau that demonstrates compliance with the requirements following an on-site inspection is published in the Service Bureau Directory with the Certified status and the indication of the Shared Infrastructure Programme release (year) against which compliance was established.
If a Service Bureau is no longer listed on the Service Bureau Directory, it means that the Service Bureau is NOT compliant with the current or previous release of Shared Infrastructure Programme and that the remediation period has been exceeded. It may also mean that the Service Bureau has decided to terminate its Service Bureau activities.