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ACI Money Transfer System (ACI Worldwide)*

*Compatible (FileAct RT) with Swift and pending completion of customer site implementation.

ACI Money Transfer System (ACI Worldwide)

Security conformance completed (by self attestation and customer confirmation).

Money may be unrecognisable in 50 years

How will the global trade landscape evolve over the next 50 years? Three payments and trade experts share their views on where we’ll see growth, and where the biggest changes will come.

Africa payment series – a view from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Interoperability: the next step for mobile money in Africa

A new sterling money market data collection and the reform of SONIA

Regulatory authority: Bank of England

Working with Visa to break down barriers in cross-border payments

We’re teaming up with Visa to enhance the transparency, speed and security of global B2B money movement.

Can mobile money be used to promote savings? Evidence from North Ghana

Institution(s): The Fletcher School; Tufts University

Why sanctions screening is critical for financial institutions

Ensures compliance with regulations and prevents money laundering, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities.

Visa and Swift team up to enhance transparency, speed and security in global B2B money movement

Visa and Swift today announced a collaboration to streamline international business-to-business (B2B) payments by strengthening connectivity between their networks that move trillions in value globally.

Mobile Payments: Three winning strategies for banks

BRUSSELS, 8 May 2012 – In a new white paper, Swift stresses the importance of mobile payments for the financial industry and recommends that banks could make a bolder move in the mobile money transfers business – working together to deploy a global mobile payments service for international money transfers and remittances.