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HSM Refresh Programme 2023-2025: FAQs

The Hardware Security Module (HSM) boxes currently in the field are reaching end-of-life in 2025. To help ensure safe and continuous operations on our network, we’re launching a programme to swap existing boxes for their updated models.

This programme is planned to start in early 2023 and will run throughout 2025. Complying with this programme is mandatory for members of our community, but we’ll be on hand to help along the way.

Key takeaways

  • HSM boxes play an integral role in our security architecture. They enforce the confidentiality and integrity of data exchanged between clients and Swift by storing the PKI certificates used for signing and encryption. 
  • The Thales Luna IS6 boxes have a life expectancy of 8 to 10 years and were first introduced to our community in 2013.
  • The upcoming HSM refresh programme will run from 2023 through to 2025. This will ensure that all impacted customers are upgraded well before their current model reaches end-of-life.
  • We’ll subsidise 75% of the one-time overall cost, including delivery costs, for the new HSM boxes if you make your switch on time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find information on the HSM refresh programme?

If you need to upgrade your HSM box, you should have already received an email from us with information on what you need to do. This will have been delivered to the email address registered with your BIC.

We’ll be in touch with more information on pricing and eligibility throughout 2022 so keep an eye on your inbox. We’ll also be adding new information to the HSM product pages.

Will I be impacted by this change?

If you currently have a Luna IS6 HSM box, you’ll need to upgrade it to our new model. This is regardless of when you purchased the equipment. We plan to stop selling Luna IS6 HSM boxes in June 2024 – it’s important to make your switch to avoid any issues in the future.


When will the new boxes be available?

Luna SA7 boxes will be available for ordering starting in late 2022.

How much will the new boxes cost?

The new pricing structure will depend on which model you purchase. The two new boxes have different capabilities, with the standard box able to store up to 500 certificates and the premium box storing up to 3000.

To receive specific information on the one-time fee and recurring maintenance costs, please reach out to your account manager or get in touch with our support.

Will the subsidy cover shipping costs and taxes?

Yes. Our subsidy will cover 75% of the total one-time cost of acquiring your new HSM box. Make sure you upgrade on time to take advantage of this offer.

When will support for the new HSM Luna SA7 start?

Support for the new boxes will start as soon as you receive it. 

When will support for my old HSM Luna IS6 stop?

We haven’t defined a specific end-of-support date for the Luna IS6 boxes, but we expect to do so in late 2025.

What products are impacted by the HSM Refresh?

The connectivity footprint products that connect directly to HSM boxes will need to be upgraded to a supporting version. You’ll be able to find information on all new versions on our release timeline. Affected products include:

  • SwiftNet Link
  • Alliance Gateway
  • Alliance Gateway Instance
  • Domestic Messaging Channel
  • Minimal Footprint

    What happens if an old box fails during the refresh period?

    If your existing box fails during this time, don’t worry – we’ll still be offering full support and repairs on the Luna IS6 boxes until 2025.

    However, in the following circumstances this may change:

    • If an HSM IS6 box fails before the new boxes are shipped, we’ll replace it with an HSM IS6 box. However, if this happens and you’d like to replace it with a new model, we’ll accelerate the shipment of your new model. Each request will be processed manually based on availability.
    • Once HSM Luna SA7 boxes have been shipped, we recommend using them at customer premises to replace failed boxes.
    • Six months after all the boxes are shipped, we will stop replacing old boxes.