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Terminate your FIN subscription

The customer must always notify Swift in advance of its intention to terminate Swift services and products (typically, three months or, in case of termination of a service administration agreement, 12 months). The termination rules are detailed in the Pricing and Invoicing terms and conditions.

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Terminate your FIN subscription

  • The BIC that is terminating its FIN service will be removed from the BIC directory and synchronised with the BIC directory download dates.

  • A FIN service termination impacts all the associated test and training branch codes of the relevant BIC. As a consequence, the BIC will not be able to send or receive FIN messages from the requested termination date and time.

  • Decide if you want to keep a non-connected BIC.

  • Make sure your message queues are emptied before the FIN service termination date and time.

  • Remain logged in and selected until the FIN service termination date and time.

  • Ensure that all outstanding FIN transactions are settled before the FIN service termination date and time.

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Do you have any questions?

Please contact us to find out how we can help you.
