Maintenance Process
The purpose of having an officially approved process for the Publication and Maintenance of CGI-MP deliverables is to have a clear set of consistent and predictable rules in order to provide transparency both to CGI-MP members as well as to implementers/potential adopters.
This document falls in two parts, one section for the publication of CGI-MP deliverables and another section for their maintenance. CGI-MP deliverables include usage guidelines and supporting documents such as use cases, user handbook and Appendix that CGI-MP Working Groups produce for message implementation.
This document was approved by the CGI-MP Management Team on 15 September 2024.
CGI-MP Deliverables
All CGI-MP deliverables, once approved by the CGI-MP members as a work item for CGI-MP, are designated to Work Groups led by CGI-MP Management-appointed facilitators. The facilitators, together with the Work Groups, are responsible for performing the work in order to produce and deliver it as a final CGI-MP deliverable.
Each Work Group will – supported by CGI-MP Management and CGI-MP Support – be responsible for all parts of the process around the production of the CGI-MP deliverables. If they cannot agree, the issue will be referred to CGI-MP voting membership.
There are two types of CGI-MP deliverable; Normative and Informative.
Normative Deliverables
Normative deliverables refer to the referenced Core Message Implementation Guidelines which require longer review period (e.g. International / domestic urgent payments pain.001 V09 Usage Guidelines, Domestic non-urgent payments pain.001 V09 Usage Guidelines, Payment Status Report pain.002 V10, Customer Account Statement camt.053 V08, Bank Services Billing camt.086 Message User Guides).
Informative Deliverables
Informative deliverables refer to the annexes, such as country specific market practice (Appendix B in WG1), User Handbook, WG2 Best Practice Use Cases, WG5 Best Practices Guides and sample artefacts.
A CGI-MP member or external party can ask for informative CGI-MP deliverables to be updated at any time.
Publication Process for Normative and Informative Deliverables
The publication process of normative and informative CGI-MP deliverables follows the key steps below:
- After the contributing members of a Work Group, or task force assigned, completed and agreed on a draft deliverable, the document shall be distributed to all members of their Work Group for comment and approval. Comments from other Work Groups are also welcome. The draft deliverable is distributed either
- by the Work Group Facilitator directly, e.g. an update of User Handbook, Use case documentation, Appendix, or
- by the CGI-MP Support (e.g. in case of a usage guideline update on MyStandards), who will distribute it on behalf of the Work Group Facilitator to the respective Work Group members. - The review period is 3 weeks.
- At the end of the review period, the Work Group responsible reviews and disposes of all the comments. The Work Group is encouraged to include the comment submitters in the review process in order to clarify and resolve all comments in a satisfactory manner.
- If the draft is approved, i.e. no objections were received during the review period, CGI-MP Support publishes the approved usage guideline or updated deliverable to the CGI-MP website and on MyStandards.
- If not approved. i.e. any objections received during the review period, the CGI-MP deliverable is returned to the Work Group with the comments received. The Work Group will re-discuss the deliverable and update the deliverable in case of need. This update will be circulated for a review period of an additional 2 weeks, and step 3-4 applies again.
Maintenance Process for Normative and Informative Deliverables
The maintenance process for normative CGI-MP deliverables is based on an annual review. Normative deliverables should not be updated more than once per year except for regulatory/clearing changes to avoid confusion.
If the requests to change to the informative deliverables were discussed, the relevant CGI-MP Work Group will make the necessary changes, if applicable, and update the supporting documentation below:
- The CGI-MP WG discusses any suggestions for inputs/outputs.
- 2 weeks review period given to the WG. Update
- The relevant CGI-MP Work Group will make the necessary changes and update the supporting documentation.
Please note that this process does not currently include any other decision-making process covered by the Governance Model document. Nor does it cover any other issue concerning the daily operation of CGI-MP in the operational or organisational domain for which the CGI-MP Management or Plenary is responsible.
We archive old docs for reference.
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