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SwiftRef has a number of application providers who have integrated SwiftRef data with their applications or have embedded SwiftRef data into their service or solution.

The SwiftRef Business Applications finder is designed to help you check if your technology partner is part of the SwiftRef Business Applications programme, and find out what data is integrated and whom to contact.

SwiftRef Data Inside Applications are applications or services that have SwiftRef data embedded in the application or service. The application vendor has integrated and embedded data into the application and is responsible for keeping the data up to date. The SwiftRef data is an integral part of the application or service.

SwiftRef Enabled Applications are applications or software that have been made compliant with SwiftRef files, making it easier for users to consume SwiftRef files. The application vendors have mapped the SwiftRef file structures to their software applications for easy integration and / or have built an uploader to make it easy to upload SwiftRef files. The application vendor customer subscribes directly with SwiftRef to access the file products. 

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SWIFTRef Business Application Scheme
No SWIFTRef business applications were found matching your criteria