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Curtain comes down on Sibos 2019

Goodbye, London… Hello, Boston


Swift Business Forum - New York 2015

Five things to know about Swift’s Corporate-to-Bank initiative in ASEAN

What you need to know about the Swift Corporate-to-Bank initiative, which has received strong support in the Philippines and Indonesia

Swift Innotribe announces finalists for the Startup Challenge Grand Finale at Sibos Boston

World banking experts will meet the most promising fintech companies selected during the 2014 Regional Showcases.

Swift Business Forum London delegates say regulation remains a top strategic priority

Fintech disruption, real-time payments and the ‘customer journey’ top packed agenda as 1100 attend fifth annual event.

Supercharge your payments business with ISO 20022

The transition to ISO 20022 in payments is now underway. And with it, financial institutions around the world are starting to reap the benefits opened up by ISO 20022’s rich, structured data. To help you better understand the value it can bring to your business, we asked early adopters to share their insights on strategic opportunities ISO 20022 offers. On the following pages, learn more about what they said across six detailed use cases illustrating some of the ways that ISO 20022 can help…

Payment Return with ISO 20022 (pacs.004)

Understand the difference between a Payment Rejection and a Payment Return. Understand the structure of the pacs.004.001.09. Be able to interpret and populate a pacs.004, following the CBPR+ Guidelines.Learning objectives:Understand the pacs.004 format Group Header Transaction Information Returned Transaction Elements Return of a serial payment Return of a cover payment

In Conversation with Wolfsberg

Pressing priorities and trends

Case Resolution

Streamline and automate your exception management processes.

Five essentials for handling international payments

Do you know what your corporate clients expect when they make international payments?