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Providers of the applications listed below have confirmed and shared their commitment to support the CBPR+ message collection, in addition to the equivalent MTs. Self-attestations are normally valid for a period of one year. Please note that this is an indicative guide only; Swift does not test or audit the product's readiness, resilience, performance, overall quality, usability, scalability, supportability, or other generic commercial features.

For more information on how support will be offered, please reach out to your respective application provider. If your application provider is not on the list, please share their details with Swift. We will reach out to ensure they are aware of the self-attestation framework and the verifications required in order to be listed.

Swift does not warrant, endorse or recommend any company or any of its business applications and shall not have liability or responsibility for any act or omission of any such company or any of its personnel or staff with respect to any such business application, service or product.

Swift excludes all warranties of any nature (including, without limitation any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) regarding this directory or any of its contents.

Providers of the applications with a label are displayed on top of the list in an alphabetical order. You can filter the list by application type, label and year of attestation.

Company name
Application name
Date of attestation
Application type
Compliant application version
No CBPR+ readiness applications were found matching your criteria