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Securities tracking: Lighting the path to increased efficiency

In this session, learn more about how we’re collaborating with financial institutions and the wider capital markets ecosystem to provide visibility across the settlement and reconciliation value chain, why this is essential, and the benefits this unlocks for you and your customers.

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Collaborating with financial institutions and the wider capital markets ecosystem

How comfortable would you be if you were sending or receiving a high-value item in your personal life but were unable to identify where it was in the delivery process at any point in time? The answer is surely “not very.” Now apply this to the securities industry today, where firms have no way of uniquely identifying and tracking a transaction across all the intermediaries in the securities lifecycle.

Given the industry’s intense focus on operational resilience and risk, combined with the need to reduce costs associated with settlement inefficiencies and improve customer experience, it’s time to change the status quo.


  • In conversation with David Watson, Chief Strategy Officer, Swift
  • Pavel Andrianov, IT Director, Member of the Executive Board, National Settlement Depository (NSD)
  • Pierre Davoust, Head of Central Securities Depositories, Euronex
  • Shereef Zedan, Senior Project Manager, Northern Trust Company
  • Moderated by Virginie O’Shea, Founder and CEO, Firebrand Research