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It’s here! A faster search with a better user experience

It’s here! A faster search with a better user experience

28 November 2016 | 2 min read

We are pleased to announce our new search platform that provides you with a much improved user experience. It is designed to help you find what you need, faster and with greater ease and accuracy.

5 min view


The new search engine is more powerful so the results are more relevant, and has more intuitive design, and sophisticated filtering features, guiding you based on what you are looking for: support content or commercial information on Swift products and services.

The main improvements of the new search include:

  • Separate results between Swift’s general, commercial info and the customer support content, to better serve the different search needs.  When searching on the public the results are only generated from the public pages, thus giving more visibility on Swift’s commercial offering, whereas a grey box at the top of the results allows you either to log in to MySwift or access the public support search if you are looking for support information.

Some support content is protected. You can see those results only after you have signed into with your username and password. If you usually look for support-related content, then we recommend signing into MySwift as soon as you arrive on

  • Auto suggest based on search tags
  • Quick links to the most frequently-used applications, such as the User Handbook, MySwift, or BIC Search. These appear before typing something in the search box
  • Use of synonyms and typos handling
  • Advanced filtering and personalized results when you are logged in.


Please provide us with your feedback and experience with using the new search to help us make it better for you. For this you can use the feedback form.

For best results, please browse with: Internet Explorer v11, Google Chrome v47, or Mozilla Firefox v43.

You may need to clear the cache of your browser to view the changes!
