SwiftNet PKI Evolution
Swift PKI is the core security infrastructure, designed to enable customers to securely access applications and exchange information.
Swift PKI provides certification services to entities, typically end users, applications, and Swift interfaces, enabling them to securely authenticate and/or to sign traffic.
The certification services include the issuance and management of certificates (such as business, lite, channel, and web server certificates).
Following mentioned fingerprint value can be used to validate the integrity of the certificate before adding to the respective trust store.
The Internet browser or the operating system shows the sha1 digest at the moment a new certificate is being installed or when user can verify a certificate that is already installed in the Internet browser database or trust store.
For Swift Root Certification Authority
Subject DN: CN = Swift Root CA, O = S.W.I.F.T. SCRL, C = BE
- On Production:
- (sha1) 5f f7 b1 38 9e b0 5f 89 1c 4a 3e c6 7e 19 42 a4 e7 7d e9 46
For SwiftNet Certification Authority Certificate (2048 or 2K key length certificate)
Subject DN: o = swift
- On ITB
- (sha1) 71 5b dd 51 ed 0b e3 84 eb cf 9e 1a e5 d3 92 81 3a 50 21 4e
- On Production:
- (sha1) d9 a2 35 c8 8c 87 5b 17 11 74 d1 07 6b 59 6a f9 e0 a0 36 3d
For Swift 3SKey SubCA Certification Authority Certificate
Subject DN: CN = 3SKey CA, O = S.W.I.F.T. SCRL, C = BE
- On Production:
- (sha1) 09 59 32 b4 07 75 73 86 2c c3 69 70 e6 a7 f1 46 50 7d 70 e5
For SwiftNet Certification Authority Certificate (4096 / 4K key length or RKRed certificate)
Subject DN: o = swift
- On ITB
- (sha1) b4 4a 02 98 0f f1 fa 68 be 90 ca 9c b6 62 cd 98 1d 9f 09 76
- On Production:
- (sha1) a1 e3 7e 32 b1 bd 7c cd 30 39 1c b7 91 87 71 70 b4 61 f9 50