White papers
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How Swift can help - The transformation of the European payments landscape
Information paper - In this paper we set out Swift’s commitment to accompany its customers through these changes.
Discussion paper – Achieving Financial Integration in the ASEAN Region
The ASEAN markets are at an important juncture in their ASEAN integration journey, and it is imperative for the markets...
Global Payments 2015 Listening to the customer's voice
The payments and transactions-banking businesses are evolving at a dizzying pace.
How the Financial Industry Should Approach Digital Transformation
An easy caricature of the regulators of the banking industry is that new regulations act as barriers to entry.
Guidelines for the next generation of Real-Time Retail Payments Systems (RT-RPS)
The case for implementing real-time retail payments is becoming increasingly apparent. The use of mobile technology has...
Intraday liquidity reporting
The case for a pragmatic industry solution
ISO 9362:2014 BIC Implementation - Changes and impacts
The Business Identifier Code (BIC) is a standard established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)...
Fighting Poverty Through Payments (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Swift)
Poor people do not live in a static state of poverty. Every year, many millions of people transition out of poverty by...
Africa Payments: Insights into African transaction flows
‘Africa is rising’ is a powerful phrase these days. The rising middle class will undoubtedly help to drive up demand for...