While the securities industry has achieved significant automation in post-trade processes, cross-border transactions in particular require smarter, more efficient settlement processes to keep pace with evolving demands. We are transforming the Swift platform to enable smarter securities processes that help you reduce costs, increase transparency and meet your customers' needs and expectations.
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Securities Solutions
Swift Securities View
Swift Securities View lets you track securities transactions to quickly identify any issues and avoid costly settlement fails.
The Unique Transaction Identifier (UTI)
What is the UTI and how can it benefit the securities industry?
Swift GPI
Fast, transparent and trackable payments for capital markets
News and Events

The Unique Transaction Identifier is here to stay: Do you want to be a leader or a follower?

Pioneering securities tracking to tackle settlement fails

Fewer settlement fails through more visibility
Industry topics
Understanding T+1 settlement
What is T+1 settlement?
The Unique Transaction Identifier
What is the UTI and how can it benefit the securities industry?
CSDR regulation
Everything you need to know
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