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Solving challenges for the capital markets

The pace of change in the capital markets is unrelenting, which means having speed, transparency and a real-time view on your incoming and outgoing payments and transactions is essential.

Swift GPI answers the needs of today, whilst laying the foundations for a seamless payments experience in the future. Capital market participants can now leverage new opportunities to generate more value for their clients by reducing the costs and risks of their operations, improving liquidity efficiency, and providing a better service.

Swift GPI

Reduce your costs and operational risk

Central to the Swift GPI experience is end-to-end payments tracking and confirmations of credit to the beneficiary account. This delivers certainty on the status of payments and the whereabouts of funds in real-time, and eliminates uncertainty around capital markets transactions.

  • Faster allocate incoming payments and monitor the status of critical outgoing ones
  • Reduce the time spent on handling payment exceptions and investigations
  • Improve automation across the capital markets chain with better quality data
  • Proactively address transactions which are blocked and mitigate risk by handling business-critical payments in real-time
  • Stop fraudulent payments and payments sent by mistake
  • Future-proof your business by meeting new regulatory standards

Optimised liquidity management

With faster and more accurate information and confirmations of movements on a real-time, 24/7 basis, financial institutions’ cash and treasury operations can make more informed decisions on their liquidity positions.

  • Real-time tracking of funding payments and faster settlement reduces costs and exposure risk on cash collateral movements
  • Optimise liquidity management with real-time view of payments and cash positions, and reduce the need to overfund accounts
  • Get faster and better information to make investment decisions

Enhanced customer experience

Swift GPI enables a real-time, traceable, and seamless transaction experience. Cash transactions are fast, consistent and available 24/7. This enables financial institutions to:

  • Provide clients with better visibility on the status of their payments, reducing operational costs and risk and helping them to better invest or borrow
  • Better management of critical payments through certainty of credit, reducing risk and unnecessary costs of using intraday credit lines
  • Optimise provider services through benchmarking, giving transparency and better insights for customers