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Applications can integrate with Swift directly through a qualified Swift Interface
indirectly through a shared connectivity managed by a service bureau
or via a  SwiftReady Financial EAI

For direct connectivity, Swift proposes various Interface packs that include pre-defined adapters for loose coupling, and Developer kits with API for tight coupling.

Interface packs

The Interface packs to integrate directly with Swift and to test end-to-end your Swift adapter. Interface packs provide a simple and elegant connectivity solution for all solutions based on FIN, InterAct and FileAct messaging services.

Interface packs

Interface pack

Supported Standards

Adapters available

Messaging services

Alliance Pack


MQ, Automated File Transfer, SOAP, Direct FileAct 

FIN, InterAct, FileAct

Service Bureau

You can opt to connect through a service bureau that provides ITB connectivity to Swift. For this you need to Share Security Officers for your PIC to be administered by the service bureau.
