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ISO 20022 adoption: 12 months until the end of CBPR+ coexistence: what are the next steps?

Latest developments around the CBPR+ adoption.

At its March and June 2024 meetings, the Swift Board re-confirmed the community’s commitment to ending the coexistence period in November 2025, emphasising that priority should be given to ISO 20022 payment instruction messages to ensure operational continuity and interoperability. Swift and the Board urge members to reinforce their efforts to switch cross-border payment instructions (at minimum) to ISO 20022 in the coming months.

Swift has launched new waves of webinars, to share the latest developments around the CBPR+ adoption and support the community in their efforts. More specifically, we will look at:

  • Why we are migrating and where we are on the migration timeline.
  • What is the scope of messages to migrate.
  • What resources are available to learn and facilitate adoption.
  • Where to put priority in terms of next steps
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