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Swift customers to prepare for new SwiftNet CA certificate by February 2020

Swift customers to prepare for new SwiftNet CA certificate by February 2020

Interfaces and Integration,
18 September 2019 | 3 min read

Customers must take action by February 2020 to avoid service disruption

After 20 years in service and having issued nearly 2 million certificates, the SwiftNet Certification Authority (CA) is now entering its renewal period, and we aim to make this a smooth process for our customers. The new SwiftNet CA will provide a new level of security in the issuance of SwiftNet Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certificates.

What must I do by when?

The new SwiftNet CA certificate is now available for installation. 
To avoid service disruptions upon the activation of the new SwiftNet CA in March 2020, customers are required to operate a supported and compliant infrastructure. Depending upon the products or services you use, mandatory actions are required by February 2020. 

Customer using the following Swift products must consult the Impacted products and software document or visit the SwiftNet CA renewal Support Page for more general information.

SwiftNet Link, Alliance Lite2, Alliance Lifeline, Alliance Remove Gateway,  Alliance Gateway Instant, Sanctions Screening Connector, Swift Integration Layer, gpi Connector, Alliance Access/Entry/Alliance Gateway/Alliance Web Platform SE using personal tokens for 2FA etc,

Customers using any web based service to reach on-line Swift application must import the new SwiftNet CA in each user browser trust store between September 2019 and February 2020 (details available here)

gpi Tracker, Sanctions Screening, Payment Control, SwiftNet Online Operations Manager, T2S and TIPS U2A etc.…

Note: When using Alliance Web Platform SE, you must upgrade to WebAccess GUI package 7.2.72 or higher.

SwiftNet CA Renewal timeline

September 2019: Swift issued the new SwiftNet CA certificate, which will be either automatically downloaded by Root Key Renewal compatible software or will require manual action by customers (depending on which Swift products and services a customer uses). Certificates will continue to be issued by the current SwiftNet CA.

March 2020: Activation of the new SwiftNet CA by Swift. The new SwiftNet CA will be used to issue PKI certificates from now on.

If you require assistance in upgrading to compatible software please contact your account/sales manager or your regional office.

About SwiftNet PKI

SwiftNet PKI provides certification services to entities that send and receive messages or files over the SwiftNet network. These entities are typically end users, applications, and interfaces that apply digital signatures and encryption to messages when exchanging information. Certification services include the issuance and management of certificates such as business, personal token, and webserver certificates. All customer requests to issue PKI certificates are processed by the SwiftNet Certification Authority (CA).
