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Swift & BAE Joint Report: a case study

Swift & BAE Joint Report: a case study

Cyber Security,
15 February 2018 | 1 min read

Episode 2 highlights some of the details of the case study from the joint report on the evolving cyber threat to the banking industry

Expert report showcases insights learnt from forensic studies of cyber-attacks on customers around the world, illustrating the sophistication of attackers’ tactics and techniques and evidencing the positive impact of Swift’s Customer Security Programme. The report describes how there has been a significant evolution in the cyber threat facing the global financial industry over the last 18 months as adversaries have significantly advanced their knowledge.

The Evolving Cyber Threat to the Financial Industry
1 min view

The Evolving Cyber Threat to the Financial Industry

The second in a series of four episodes provides an insight into the report’s case study.

A deep analysis of the cases has shown that the attackers are getting more and more sophisticated.

Karel De Kneef, Security Operations Director, Swift