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MyStandards 2.1 is now Live !

MyStandards 2.1 is now Live !

21 December 2016 | 2 min read

We are pleased to announce that the last release of MyStandards 2.1, including our Versioning feature has now been deployed on our Live systems.

Usage Guidelines evolve over time and providing an easy way for both content publishers and consumers to manage this change is a critical platform concern. Publishers need to version their content and manage the lifecycle of their specifications. Consumers of this content on the other hand need to understand the status of the guideline they are currently viewing. Is it a draft version or a final one ? How does the current version differ from the previous/future version ?

Prior to the Versioning release, only the latest version of a Collection and Usage Guidelines were shown on the platform. When a new version of a Collection was uploaded on the patform, from a user perspective, the previous version 'disappeared' and was replaced by the latest version.

The introduction of our new Versioning feature allows all uploaded versions of Collections and Usage Guidelines to be accessible on the platform. Publishers now have all the powerful analytic features of MyStandards available to be able to compare current and historical versions. Moreover, they can select which versions are visible by their communities and maintain those easily.

This release addresses two different sets of requirements:

  • From a content creation point of view, it is now possible to manage technical versions as you are performing the content creation work
  • From a consumption point of view, it offers a clean way to understand both the life-cycle of the services (i.e. what you are providing to the market, the live and upcoming versions) and the life-cycle of the guidelines themselves (e.g. draft and final versions).

Note that if a publisher decides to ignore the versioning features completely, the platform behaviour is not impacted by this new release. The publishing workflow remains exactly the same.

More information

You can find the full Release note for this release here.

Multiple Premium training sessions are planned on Versioning (and other topics). We record all training sessions and make them available afterwards for your convenience. Browse and register for all planned training sessions and events here.

Contact if further clarification is needed.
