An Amended Unconfirmed Letter of Credit with MT 700, MT 740, MT707, MT 730, MT 747, MT 756, MT 742
Understand what an amendment and no confirmation from the advising bank is, learn the flow and...

An Export Confirmed Letter of Credit (MT 700, MT 750, MT 752, MT 754)
Understand what a confirmed letter of credit is, know which MTs are used in the bank-to-bank...

Bank-to-Bank payments with MT 202
Understand the meaning and usage of the different fields in the MT 202 and be able...

BIC (Business Identifier Code)
Understand what a BIC is, its structure and its evolution, know the BIC directories and understand...

Business Application Header (head.001)
Understand the structure of head.001.001.02. Understand how to apply the BAH in different Use Cases in...

Cancellation, Investigation and Exception Handling of MT 103 Messages
Understand how to use the available cancellation, investigation and exception messages and be able to format...

Cash Management Using MT 200 MT 202 and MT 210
Understand the MT 200 and MT 202 when used in managing a bank's own cash, learn...

Charging Options in the MT 103
Understand the usage of the different charging options in the MT 103 when sent with the...

Collections with MTs
Understand Interbank communication relating to a Documentary Collection process MTs used in a Documentary Collection process...