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Screening Utility

The Screening Utility is a portal application hosted in Swift's secure infrastructure. It currently provides access to the Transaction Screening and Payment Controls services. Customers use the Screening Utility portal for all interactions with these services as such:

  • User and business management
  • Set up and configuration
  • Alert management
  • Audit functions

Payment Controls

Swift Payment Controls combines real-time monitoring, alerting and blocking of sent payments, with daily reporting. It helps institutions detect and prevent high risk payments and mitigates business disruption and financial losses in the event of back-office compromise.

Transaction Screening

Swift Transaction Screening is a centralized Swift service that screens MT messages sent and received over the Swift network. For customers that subscribe to the service, the selected messages are routed to a central application that screens the messages against public sanctions lists in real time.


Place orders

Please ensure that SU group Owner BIC has valid Security officers in Secure Channel.

If not, please define first your Security Officers before proceeding with subscription to any Screening Utility service.

Place orders
