Information about Compliance
Data Protection Policies
Swift has enhanced its contractual documentation to improve transparency with respect to the processing of message and traffic data.
In doing so, Swift has been assisted by a working group of data protection and compliance experts from European and non-European Swift users. In December 2008, the Belgian data protection commission concluded that Swift complied with all applicable Belgian data protection legislation.
Terrorist Finance Tracking Program
The European Union and the United States of America have signed an international agreement on the “Terrorist Finance Tracking Program". This Agreement is in force since 1 August 2010.
Swift has been jointly designated by the European Union and the United States of America as a provider of international financial payment messaging services, subject to this Agreement. As a result, Swift is subject to legally binding requests to provide to the U.S. Treasury Department data located in its EU Operating Center, which are necessary for the purpose of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of terrorism or terrorist financing.
Fighting Illegal financial activities
Given its importance in the financial community, Swift cooperates in good faith with authorities in the fight against illegal activities.
Keeping data safe
Privacy is a fundamental commitment at Swift, an essential component of our core services and integral to the Swift environment. We operate our services to strict privacy and data protection standards and in compliance with EU data protection regulation, considered as the most stringent privacy legislation in the world.
Swift and Sanctions
This page contains the FAQ and official statements related to Swift’s compliance with all applicable sanction laws.
Digital services
If you wish to report a concern related to a violation of law or regulation, please make a report using Swift Speak Up channel.
Swift has not received any requests under the EU Digital Services Act.